Tales of a 40something discovering her creative side while living in the Maghreb
It's a done deal. I'm wondering if you transfer your google reader to bloglovin if it goes in your blogs count as a follower.
I don't get this. Why do they make you do that? I'm pretty sure I can find my blog on Bloglovin and I never claimed it. I'm so confused...
me too Rebecca I seriously don't get it!
I'm following you there already!
I've just discovered your blog and I'm really enjoying it. Especially as I have an affection for Morocco since I spent a while cycling there many years ago. I'm loving your quilts as well, beautiful. So I shall definitely follow you!
It's a done deal. I'm wondering if you transfer your google reader to bloglovin if it goes in your blogs count as a follower.
ReplyDeleteI don't get this. Why do they make you do that? I'm pretty sure I can find my blog on Bloglovin and I never claimed it. I'm so confused...
ReplyDeleteme too Rebecca I seriously don't get it!
ReplyDeleteI'm following you there already!
ReplyDeleteI've just discovered your blog and I'm really enjoying it. Especially as I have an affection for Morocco since I spent a while cycling there many years ago. I'm loving your quilts as well, beautiful. So I shall definitely follow you!