Sunday, 5 June 2011

Liberate Your Art Postcard Swap

I forgot to mention that a few weeks ago I signed up to the Liberate Your Art Postcard Swap which Kat is organizing over at The Kat Eye View of the World, and which like many things I end up doing, I first saw on Diane`s lovely blog Random Thoughts Do or Di.

So today I suddenly thought that I better get my postcards organized and I used had to order a minimum of 20 postcards and need 5 for the swap. I haven`t made my mind up completely but these are some of the images from which I shall choose the final 5.
Fishermen off Beer Beach

Lake Windermere at Ambleside, Cumbria
Shepherdess in the Bled, El Jadida, Morocco
Liz`s Oriental Iris
The Spice Market, Marrakech
The Beach at Beer, Devon
Thistle and snail, Sidi Bennour, Morocco
A baby orange in the rain 
Thistle flower
I want the postcards I choose to be representative of where I come from, where I live now and the beauty by which we are all surrounded. So is there one you wouldn`t mind receiving?  If so, leave a comment and let me know.  It might help me make my mind up!


Canadian Abroad said... 1

I love all of them but the following (in no particular order, as they say) appeal to me as postcards because -

The Spice Market - it is evocative of Marocco, foreign places, holidays, elsewhere to here.
The Fishing Boat - just because that blue is so stunning.
The Baby Orange - because I love that photo, the colour and wish I had an orange tree, or a lemon tree, or a lime tree (you get my drift) said... 2

I ordered mine from Moo too and they came and are perfect. I am very happy with the quality. Be sure the photo fits on the card the way you want it to. I like #1,3,5, and 9 the best, but all are lovely.
Thanks for the shout out. You are my #1 fan!

Ms. Becky said... 3

I just today beat the deadline for signing up for the swap. I'm totally wowed by your choices here. the first is a real ooh la la. I would put any of them on my wall, or my desk, or...wherever! have a great week Annabella.

Kala said... 4

They're all beautiful! Love the beach at Devon.

Hootin Anni said... 5

Love, love, LOVE the Moroccan herd of sheep!! So cultural and 'living'!!!

Thanks for your comments on my Sunday post...

Winter Past is my link to Macro Monday. Do stop by, again, when you get a chance. I'd love your company. Have a great week.

Helen in Switzerland said... 6

I think it would have to be the Moroccan ones - love the sheep and the spice market - can't wait to see what you choose! I'm also going to check out

Fruitful Fusion said... 7

They're all SO beautiful! And what a brilliant swap idea it is too!