Friday, 4 November 2011

A Drunk in Central Park

It`s been a chilly, windy and rainy day here today.  Zaki finished pre-school yesterday as next week it is Eid here (the biggest religious holiday of the year) and so we will be off to the in-laws for a few days.  Everything shuts down for 3 days and it`s difficult to get bread and vegetables for it seems like forever as everyone enjoys the holiday and takes a well earned break.

So today I got on with piecing my Drunkard`s Path (DP) blocks for the QAL.  Apart from a couple of initial blocks, I soon got the hang of the curved piecing and there was scope for trimming them down built into the dimensions.  I do like a block where you can trim it to size as however hard I try, my blocks are never exactly square.  Why is that? So I`m all caught up and while there`s still a little tinkering to do with the colour layout, I`m pretty much ready to sew them together.

I used a Central Park charm pack and even though this is going to be a baby quilt, it`s still pretty small and will need a border round it to pad it out a bit.  So 2 QALs caught up with.

When I was writing yesterday`s post I was surrounded by hungry people asking when supper was going to be ready so I was under pressure to get it done and completely forgot to show you what I received in The Scrappy Swap 2011.  My partner turned out to be Hannah who lives in Columbia, Missouri.  She sent me some gorgeous scraps, a lovely needle-case and some chocolate.  Win.  Win.  Win.

So thank you Hannah for a great package and to the lovely Kat who organized a fabulous and energetic swap.  It`s not quite over as my partner still hasn`t received her swap goodies.  I hope she doesn`t have to wait much longer!

I`m now off to work more on my second design for the Modern Christmas Tablerunner Swap and I`ll show you that tomorrow. Have a great Friday.  Anyone in England doing fireworks this weekend?


Mrs Flying Blind... said... 1

Love what you did with the drunkard, and what a lovely bundle of swapsies!

Forecast is for rain rain rain - I'll look out the window if I hear any fireworks, but I'd rather be snuggled up indoors!

Ellie said... 2

What a great name for a quilt - I really like it as well.
What lovely goodies you got in your swap.
This is taking ages to type as I cut my finger on a knife and typing with a plaster is just a pain lol.
Our town in having a fireworks display tomorrow night - depending on the weather I will probably be there.
Have a good weekend.

Little Island Quilting said... 3

Great title for a blog post!

Archie The Wonder Dog said... 4

Love love love the DP blocks!! Can't wait to see it develop!

Isisjem said... 5

DP blocks looks gorgeous! can't wait to see it finished! said... 6

love that Central Park. I have a jelly roll of it and have not made anything yet. I'm going to try to sew a little this weekend. Hopefully I'll have something to post soon.

Elizabeth said... 7

Happy Guy Fawkes day......
loved the drunkard's path quilt!

Jessica said... 8

I love it!! Central Park is one of my favorite lines. I'm actually working on a Drunkard's Path with Little Apples right now :) Thanks for the inspiration!

Strawberry Patch said... 9

Love the dp blocks and great curved piecing, they look really flat! Its still on my to-try list!

Manda said... 10

No fireworks.. I can hear them but its far too cold and wet to go out and watch them!
Love that central park.. it is going to look great!

Canadian Abroad said... 11

Love your DPs. Good piecing, and I trim mine too. Never square until I do. Great scrappy package. Enjoy Eid, and your in-law's.

Katy Cameron said... 12

Loving the look of the drunkards path, and fab wee goodies and scraps from the swap.

It's cold, chilly and rainy here too, and no excitement coming up this week either after bonfire night tomorrow! Have a great Eid with the outlaws :o)

Jenelle said... 13

Oh wow! That quilt is pure loveliness. :)

Leanne said... 14

Your quilt is looking wonderful! And you received such a nice swap package.

Laura said... 15

Ooh love it! The title really made me wonder

Cindy said... 16

Wow scrappy package! I was drooling over that notebook and am so glad it found a great thome! Lucky you scoring all of the lovely scrps too!
Your DP quilt is going to be beautiful!!!

Kate S. said... 17

Glad to hear that the blocks are working out well for you - I totally agree about trimming the blocks, even though it takes a while, especially with curves it is so hard to get them to turn out right otherwise!

And I too love your post/quilt title :)

linda said... 18

love your blocks for the drunkard path quilt the colours are so vibrant it is soo lovely.
we had hardly fireworks on sat night, last night loads going off near here non for us think we are past that now :(((

linda said... 19

lovely scrappy pack !!

Ms. Becky said... 20

I'm so intrigued by the drunkard path quilt. how in the world do you put that together? I love the design. when I was in high school I made a quilt - it was simply piecing together blocks of various scrap material I had collected. I eventually made it into a 3-tiered skirt and kept it for years and years. it needed constant mending, but I didn't care. thanks for the memories. happy day to you Annabella.