Saturday, 8 June 2013

Getting My Last Fix

There were a gagillion things I should have been doing today but instead I made a quilt...well almost, I still have to bind it.  I'm no superwoman - this is a baby quilt for my new nephew and it's fairly teensy. I shall reveal all tomorrow...hopefully :)


Indianna said... 1

Looks fabulous - hope he appreciates all that fabric yumminess

Katy Cameron said... 2

Sometimes one has to just set everything else aside and go with what the heart wants (and ignore everyone that might be nagging around you ;o) )

Archie The Wonder Dog said... 3

It looks great!

Di said... 4

Quilt in a day? That is good going. I need to make a baby quilt and really don't know where to start. Looking forward to the reveal. Di x

Nicky said... 5

Looks like you have done good Annabella - whether it's what you should have been doing or not! Sometimes you just have to...

CJ said... 6

Good for you; your to-do list will wait. The quilt looks lovely - sea glass colours I think. Good luck with all the busy things. I have long scary lists too, there's so much I want to get done before the summer holidays. But what I really want to do is make a quilt...

Lucy | Charm About You said... 7

I'm impressed! Looks great!

Kelly said... 8

Go you!!

Susan said... 9

I saw your progress shots on Instagram. This is looking gorgeous!

Judith, Belfast said... 10

Love strip quilts! Jxo

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 11

Well aren't we Aunty of the Year xxx

cheeky monkey said... 12

This looks gorgeous!

Jodi Godfrey said... 13

A quilt in a day is my kind of quilt! That's about the length of my attention span!

Heather D. said... 14

Looking forward to the full reveal!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said... 15

Those quick projects can be so rewarding and refreshing!

Dianne Neale said... 16

Who's to say what we should have been doing? Surely quilting is important? Looking lovely annabella

Nicole said... 17

Love the sneak peek! Can't wait to see the rest!

Kathy S. said... 18

Beautiful colors. I can't get enough of the string quilts lately. Can't wait to see all of it.

Camilla said... 19

Gorgeous fabrics-as always! And sorry but I actually rather suspect you are a bit of a superwoman!

Canadian Abroad said... 20

How did I fall so behind in my blog reading?!

CJ said... 21

Lovely quilt, can't believe how quickly you made it! The backing is fabulous. I do remember those cold Moroccan nights from my time cycling there. This quilt will be perfect for keeping him warm - well done you.