Thursday, 20 October 2011

A Thursday Finish, A List & A Spot of Housekeeping

My poor mum who has been here for the last couple of weeks has been horribly sick since last Friday.  She`s been up and down but really quite poorly and there have been trips to the doc, laboratories for blood tests and mild suspicion of Typhoid panics but it looks like it is just a virus.  Thanks for all the well wishes.  It looks like she is on the mend and will return home to blighty on Saturday as planned.

With my mum sick and unable to get out and about, I did a spot of sewing and have a finish. There`s one quilt I`ve been wanting to tick off my mental checklist for quite a while and it is the Marrakech Rose quilt.  It`s one I`m really pleased with, and here it is.

The fabrics for the top are from centre outward - Kaffe Fasset,  Amy Butler, Jennifer Paganelli, Anthology, Alexander Henry and back to Amy Butler and Kaffe Fasset.

For the backing, I used Songbird in Lime from Bonjour by Diane Kappa and for the binding I used two fat quarters of my new Heirloom by Joel Dewberry.

I straight line quilted it.

and I`m very happy. Have I said that before? The design is based on Jane Brocket`s Russian Shawl quilt from her lovely and eye candy ridden book, The Gentle Art of Quilt-Making. I have always found Jane Brocket hugely inspiring as her quilts are big, bold and fun and she always emphasizes that the quilt doesn`t have to be perfect and that we should enjoy our quilts. I like that philosophy.

It`s lovely that exactly 2 years after taking up quilting, I`ve finished my 4th quilt - hmm, an average of one every six months - not a great average but one I hope to improve on. So I can tick it off the mental list and the list I`ve drawn up for Sarah`s Winter Stiching, which I`m linking up to.  The idea is to write down a list of what you hope to accomplish sewing-wise between now and next spring.  The idea being that what`s written down gets done. I`m not one for lists and it frequently gets me into trouble but here goes.

Quilts, QALs and Community Blocks*
finish the Marrakech Rose quilt
quilt and bind Deborah`s Union Jack quilt
make a quilt for my mum`s 70th birthday 
make a quilt for Baby Landen arriving next month all being well
finish blocks, piece, baste, quilt and bind Red City Quilt for the Duo QAL
commit to theDrunkard`s Path QAL
keep up with the Bloggers BOM
make monthly blocks for Bee Blessed and Quilting for Kids

Swaps &BeeS
make the final cut for The Scrappy Swap 2011
make a goodie for The Scrappy Swap 2011
make a tablerunner for The Modern Christmas Tablerunner Swap
make blocks for The 4x5 Modern Quilt Bee

Other Stuff
learn how to free motion quilt
finish Zaki`s rocket PJs using Susan`s `ugly` fabric
learn how to applique
learn how to piece curves
*last edited 6 November 2011

Have I forgotten anything?  Quite possibly.  I`m so excited to be starting on some new projects using some lovely stash. I`m linking up with Sarah at Fairyface Designs. Head over there and see what amazingly talented and creative people are planning for the next few months.

I`m sorry if you have tried to get hold of me by email and found I`m a no-reply blogger.  Thank you to everyone who writes and tells me that I`m one.  You see, I`m not meant to be.  I never edit my profile, my email address is listed and I`ve ticked the box but Blogger likes to randomly make me a NRB.  It`s highly frustrating as it`s completely random.  It`s a bit like a ferocious doctor`s receptionist (apologies to any doctor`s receptionists who are reading this post) - sometimes she`ll let you through, sometimes she won`t.  If anyone else has had this problem, do let me know what you did to remedy the problem.


Katy Cameron said... 1

Ugh, your poor mum!

Beautiful quilt though :o)

Good luck with your list!

Ellie said... 2

Oh your poor mum, how awful she has been so ill while on holiday. Hope she fully recovers soon.
I just have to say I LOVE your quilt it is beautiful and the colours are amazing. You are very clever!!
I have to say (quietly) I'm a doctor's receptionist - but I'm a really nice one lol. Not at all ferocious hee hee.

Geri said... 3

So sorry to hear about your mum - prayers for a speedy recovery!
The quilt is GORGEOUS! I love it - somehow I just didn't get that sewing gene, but it's obvious that you did!

Helen in Switzerland said... 4

So sorry to hear about your mum. What a shame that she hasn't been able to enjoy her trip.
I LOVE the quilt. Wow - it really knocks your socks off! The straight -line quilting is super!!

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said... 5

Oh Annabella, your poor mum, hope she is truly on the mend. I really, really love that quilt. Its just amazing - the quilting is fab. I love that book too, must pull it out again :-) You have a great list, can't wait to see how you get on.. and hope that Blogger decides to like you one of these days!

Sarah said... 6

Hope your mum recovers completely, soon! The finished quilt is really really lovely :-)

KH said... 7

What a gorgeous quilt - those colours just pop!
I hope your mum is better asap. said... 8

this could quite possibly be your longest post ever...and I loved it. I've missed you. I hope your mum is on the mend. Nothing worse than being sick away from home, even if it is at your daughter's home.
Your pink quilt is luscious! I love it so much. I might have to make a pink quilt. I'm afraid to link up to Sarah...but all the pressure is gonna make me do it.I might as well, everyone else is.

Heidi said... 9

Glad that your mom is getting better and I also love that philosophy of enjoying your quilts and that they don't need to be perfect. That quilt is GORGEOUS!

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said... 10

Impressive list--way to go for the stash! The quilt is beautiful!

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 11

I absolutely adore your quilt! I have the Jane Brocket book, hence my list including 'make things from my books!!'
Hope mum gets back to normal soon (you should have let her bring clothes!).
Great list xxx

Sheila said... 12

I love your quilt - it is glorious, haven't come across that book, must research......
What a shame about your mum missing out on a nice hol, hope she is fighting fit again soon.

Manda said... 13

Hope your mum is better soon. Love your quilt finish - the colours are gorgeous! Great list to keep you busy there!

Lindy in Brisbane said... 14

Oh that quilt just sings to me. Love it!! You're fabric choices are fantastic. Hope your Mum is well soon.

Strawberry Patch said... 15

wow, it is beautiful :)

Shocking Hocking said... 16

your quilt is just gorgeous - the colours work beautifully.

love your list - you've got lots to do there!

Rebecca Lynne said... 17

Oh Annabella I have missed you so much! I am sorry Blogger is being a hater. I was so annoyed when I tried to respond to some of your comments and couldn't. Jerks. Hmmph if I figure out what you can do I'll let you know! Oh well, I'll just have to visit you and comment on your blog more. ;)

So. When are you going to mail me this quilt because I LOVE IT. My Goodness Annabella, I simply adore this quilt. Lust. Pure Lust. I wish I could mix fabric collections like you do. Plus the simplicity in the design is also stunning - off to check out the book you mentioned now!


Kate S. said... 18

So excited to have you join in the DP QAL Annabella! :)

Archie The Wonder Dog said... 19

I LOVE this quilt - simply stunning! Sorry Blogger is being a pain - fortunately you're the only Annabella that comments on my blog so I always know where to find you, there's no escape ;o) Hope your mum is fit as a butcher's dog soon and has a good flight home x

Lynn said... 20

I am sorry that your Mum has been sick, nothing worse than being sick when on holidays. Something good came from it that you finished that gorgeous quilt - the colours are so vibrant.

pasqueflower said... 21

Hoping your mum feels better soon! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the quilt!!!! It is gorgeous!!

Rebecca Lynne said... 22

Annabella, just so you'll laugh I am leaving you a comment to let you know I just came back to visit your quilt again. Sigh. I really love it that much! xo Becca

Shanea said... 23

Hope your Mum is back on her fet very soon. Love the bright and vibrant quilt.

Amanda said... 24

Wow, Annabella!!! This is gorgeous. I absolutely LOVE your quilt.

Canadian Abroad said... 25

Sorry, I am way behind on my blog reading. Hope that your poor mum feels well enough for the rigours of the journey home. Your quilt is absolutely fabulous. And your list is a nice balance of projects. You should be able to tick off a lot of items - seeing how as you have one done already!

Catherine said... 26

Annabella, I have the same excuse as Susan, I am behind with my reading and have just read this - hope your mum got home safely and is feeling much better. I love, love, love your quilt, it is up there with my all time favorites

dutchcomfort said... 27

Wow Annabella, your quilt is stunning!!
I hope your Mother has arrived safely back home in the UK!

Susie said... 28

Congratulations on crossing a UFO off your mean feat in my experience!! I refer to my studio space fondly as The Temple of the Unfinished Project. Your quilt is fabulous - love the colours.

Pat Merkle said... 29

I love everything about your Marrakech Rose quilt. It's beautiful. Great list for your winter stitching!

Heather D. said... 30

Beautiful quilt! The quilting lines are so simple but it creates such a striking look. Hope your mom feels better soon.

Melissa said... 31

Wow, your quilt is stunning - I love how you quilted it! Congrats on the finish!

j said... 32

What a beautiful quilt. I love the way you have quilted it - very striking and textural.
