Saturday, 28 January 2012

Winter Stitching - Mid Term Report

Firstly, thank you to everyone who entered my blogaversary giveaway and a huge welcome to my new followers.  I`m overwhelmed by the response.  There`s still time to enter here.

Was it really October when I committed to a list of sewing plans for the winter with the lovely Sarah over at Fairyface Designs?  A whole 3 months ago?

Indeed it was, and Sarah has asked us to check in with a mid-term report. 

It was with a tinge of trepidation that I went back to this post.  You see, while I wrote down in a blog post what I hoped to achieved, I hadn`t returned to that post since!

Here goes.

Finish the Marrakech Rose quilt.  Done and sold!

Next up - quilt and bind Deborah`s Union Jack quilt - done and delivered by hand to Paris! I loved those beautiful Liberty lawn prints.

In at No.3, make a quilt for my mum`s birthday.  Failed miserably here.  Still at the planning stage, but will have it made for her spring visit. It will be made with Kaffe Fasset prints.

No.4 was to make a quilt for my cousin`s baby, who arrived in December safe and sound and is adorable.  Done and delivered earlier this month. I had a wobble half way through but love this quilt now.  The vibrant orange perle handstitching and binding really helped to lift the 1001 Peeps fabrics.  George loves it too!

Finish the Red City quilt for the Duo QAL was No.5  - done! I used the Marrakech colourway of Moroccan Mirage for this one and free motion quilted my first quilt! I was delighted to win the FMQ prize for this - thanks Rhonda!

Up next at No.6 was to `commit` to the Drunkard`s Path QAL - I got as far as finishing this baby quilt top.  It still needs to be basted, quilted and bound.  It`s a small quilt and I wonder whether I should add another border or two to make it bigger as I love the Kate Spain Central Park fabrics. This QAL was great as I pieced curves and it wasn`t so difficult! The blocks came together really well.

I also committed to keeping up with the Bloggers` BOM QAL. I did the first two blocks but am 3 blocks behind.

I also said I would make blocks for Judith`s Bee Blessed and Sarah`s Quilting for Kids.  I am ashamed to say that I haven`t made blocks for a few months but I hope to rejoin these groups next month.

I did make my goodie and cut scraps for Kat`s Scrappy Swap and my Christmas tablerunner for Susan`s swap.  Both sent and received.  The scraps went to Australia and the runner went to Canada! I loved the runner and I used quite a lot of my Terrain for it.

 I also made my five blocks for the 4x5 Modern Quilting Bee.  Here`s an example of one of them. They went to the US, Canada and Australia and most have arrived.

I had a go at free motion quilting...

but have not tried any applique.

I also just finished my blocks for the Care Circle of do.Good Stitches - the latest and international circle of do.Good Stitches, which benefits local causes.  When I signed up to do.Good Stitches a few months ago, I was placed on a waiting list and kind of then forgot about it until Rachel of Stitched in Color got in touch to say that I had a place and would I consider being a quilter.  Me! Totally open to any form of flattery I did sign up for being a quilter and it`s my turn in April.  A quilter is responsible for designing the quilt, collecting in the blocks and finishing the quilt.  This month was Karen`s turn and she asked for starflower blocks in red and aqua.

I`m squeezing under the wire here.  They must be in Karen`s mits by February 10 and so these need to be mailed on Monday.  Fly little blocks.  Fly.

I have the following to add to the list.

  • Make a mini quilt for the For the Love of Solids swap.  
Fabric has been ordered and I`m still trying to work out my design, which may be improvisational piecing as my partner`s inspiration mosaic indictates she likes this.  While she`s not particularly chatty, I can tell from her flikr photostream that she is a serial swapper, so I have a lot to live up to.  We have similar tastes so I shall enjoy coming up with something.

  • Make a zippered pouch for Mouthy Stitches.  Backing fabric ordered, and working on a design.
  • I have joined a new bee.  Super excited about this and more details to follow soon!
  • Another secret project - details to be revealed soon.
  • Finish my Lark quilt.  Thanks for all the wonderful suggestions about how to finish it.  I think I`m veering toward a scrappy binding as opposed to a scrappy border.

  • I really want to swoon in the Swoonalong and I really want to do the Made in Cherry QAL but I need to get on as they are both well under way!
So actually I don`t think I`m doing so badly although my list was no way near as ambitious as others!

20 comments: said... 1

when you write it all down you sure have accomplished a lot in 3 months. I can't wait to see what else you make. I think I'm joining the made in cherry QAL too.

Helen in Switzerland said... 2

Not doing badly? You're amazing!!! I can't believe how productive you've been....beating me hands down I'm sure!!

Toni said... 3

Didn't you take a rather lengthy vacation in there, too? You've been very productive, Annabella!

Miki Willa said... 4

You have accomplished quite a bit from your list. Great job. I love what you are doing. Your colors and fabric choices are quite wonderful.

Ellie said... 5

Wow, I'm impressed with how much you have achieved in three months. That is a lot of work.
I bought a quilting and patchwork book today - that's a step nearer doing one :))

Catherine said... 6

wow, you have done loads!! Did you ever receive your table runner that was made for you?

leanne can blog said... 7

So busy, good job!

Susan said... 8

You should be very proud of what you have achieved! Lots of lovely things here!

Katy Cameron said... 9

Yay, you've got loads done! I still love that Marrakech rose quilt, such rich colours

Marg said... 10

Wow you have achieved so much and so many beautiful projects in there too.
Love the idea of a scrappy binding for the Lark quilt.

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 11

Not doing badly? You have done brilliantly!! Love EVERYTHING!!!

Katherine said... 12

I'm in awe of the beautiful creations you have been making. Very accomplished and very inspiring.

TexWisGirl said... 13

that is a heck of a lot of work, there! very intimidating to a non-stitcher like me! :)

thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment today! very much appreciate it! blessings and happy sewing to you!

Shocking Hocking said... 14

brilliant report card for you - beautiful finishes - and i want you to be my partner in the mouthy stitches too.....i think i'm being a bit greedy here!

Canadian Abroad said... 15

For someone who is always saying she isn't getting any sewing done - you have accomplished a heck of a lot! And all of it is beautiful!

Archie The Wonder Dog said... 16

You're doing really well with your list and have made an amazing amount of wonderful things!

Rhonda the Rambler said... 17

I think you are doing great...and made some very beautiful quilts. Did you add a new picture to your blog? It is a very nice picture!

Jan (The Aunt) said... 18

It's all fabulous............and so tasteful my dear. I just love your new quilt. Did somebody buy you a copy of my favourite book, because it's just like a page of patterns. The Lark fabric is absolutely ideal, and a scrappy border will be just perfect.
What will you have done by this time next year !

Dianne Neale said... 19

Not doint badly? i should say! Beautiful quilts

leanne said... 20

wow - pretty amazing for three months work - I'm in love with the Marrakech Rose quilt - it is to die for - and don't worry, with your work rate you'd have those blogger's bom blocks done lickety split :)