Sunday, 10 June 2012


Just to prove I haven`t been a total lazy wotzit since I arrived in England, I made a block for Megan today - she`s the queen bee of We Bee Modern Too and May was her month.

In this bee, we make blocks from the book Modern Blocks - this is the Mondrian block using Megan`s colours pink, red, orange, yellow and a hint of green.  The sashing is Kona charcoal and the 5 inch block is Kona white.

Just before I left Morocco, I made 2 blocks for Kristin who was queen bee last month in the Care Circle for do.Good Stitches.  She wanted scrappy herringbone blocks for a quilt which will be donated to a women`s shelter.

I mentioned yesterday that I received lots of happy mail upon my return from a couple of days away!  I`m bowled over by the genorosity in this soft and squishy corner of blogland.  These were gifts to help me feel like I had been at the retreat. Look what I got?

This lovely cathedral window`s pin cushion from Catherine who hangs out in `Jamland` - Tiptree in Essex! I love the cool colours - they shall come in handy upm my return to the firey furnace.

this gorgeous mini needle case and +x brooch from Hadley, which are cute beyond words!

these lovely FQs from Kerry which I shall make in to something for Zaki along with other lovely Robert Kaufman FQs I received from Susan and Ceri...

and this amazing package from Ceri, which included a gorgeous bag, Oakshott and Robert Kaufman fabric, gorgeous scraps and a very exclusive tape measure bracelet (which only members of the Brit Bee have - shhhhh), Aurifil thread and other yummies. I made a very simple and totally unimpressive name tag for Ceri - my only excuse is that I was feeling very below par but this totally outweighs my effort.

So thank you Catherine, Hadley, Kerry and Ceri - you have made me feel like I was in London with you and all the other amazing retreaters and I really hope that will be the case next year!

Now I just have to do some mailing and packing before we leave at 6AM (hardly worth going to bed really) on Wednesday morning.  Our visit here started in the sun and ended in the rain but it`s all good.

Here are a couple of my favourite photos from our visit here,

Waiting for a pony ride

Paddling at Charmouth Beach

Lovely smiley Susan

A finish! The Siblings Together quilt

Face painting at the local fete
Our holiday is nearly over now - see you a bit nearer the equator!


Nicky said... 1

I believe you ! You haven't been a lazy whozit! Safe journey and enjoyed your great post!

Canadian Abroad said... 2

You'll need an extra suitcase at this rate! So good to see you getting some retreat goodies all round.

Katy Cameron said... 3

Lots and lots of fun goodies! I particularly love the top pic of Zaki :oD

Leanne said... 4

You have done ok, but still it would have been fun to have you at the retreat. Safe trip home.

Leanne said... 5

You have done ok, but still it would have been fun to have you at the retreat. Safe trip home.

Catherine said... 6

love those scrappy herringbones! Have a good trip home: at least you will get some sunshine!

Anonymous said... 7

Just brilliant that you were able to feel part of the retreat!

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 8

Hang on to the table runner - if you stick it in your suitcase, you luggage is bound to end up on a plane to the States!
Safe trip honey xxx said... 9

So glad you got a piece of the FQ retreat, even though you were not able to attend. I love your photos of your fav moments. Your little guy is a heartbreaker, for sure!

Susan said... 10

Lots of 'love' in this post! Even though you weren't at Retreat this year you have wonderful things to remember your holiday with! Safe home!

Cherie said... 11

Great pictures and projects! Loving the blocks!
Hope you have a safe journey back home =D

Last day to enter my giveaway. If you haven't entered already today is your last chance =D

Jenelle said... 12

It looks like you had a great visit. Have a safe trip home! :)

Dianne Neale said... 13

Looks like you are having a great time. Love the first pick of him waiting for a pony!

linda said... 14

great post have a good flight ,love your photos of zaki the one in the sea sums up a british summer :))))

Anonymous said... 15

Travel safe hun!
See you again soon :)

Archie The Wonder Dog said... 16

I'm so glad you got some goodies - aren't quilters generous?! Have a safe journey back xx

Nicole said... 17

You sure did get some goodies, Annabella! Love the fabrics you used in your blocks!

Eija k said... 18

Greetings from Finland. You have beautiful work.