Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Slow Sewing

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I guess you could say I'm on a blogging break.

Not one of my own choosing.

Our lap top is dead. The monitor on the main computer needs replacing.  I just can't work out how to blog on this Galaxy tablet. any tips for apps gratefully received.

Oh, and it's hot.  Very hot.

So I'm sorry I haven`t been around.  That I haven`t blogged.  That I haven`t been to visit.

I have discovered Instagram, which I can use on my `phone.  It`s huge fun, and you can find me at lifesrichpattern.

I have also been doing some EPP using the aqua, orange and grey charms I recieived from Jenelle in a mystery swap.  I am making my own 1'' inch hexie templates.  No cardboard is safe.


Leanne said... 1

I hope you can escape to the beach some of the time in all that hotness. The hexies are lovely and a perfect project for the heat.

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 2

Hello stranger - love the hexie business, wishing you computer fixes in your near future xxx

Elizabeth said... 3

Am enjoying seeing your doings on Instagram!

Charlotte said... 4

hey there - nice to see you! Those hexies are gorgeous!

Sarah said... 5

gorgeous colours and lovely hexies :-) Hope your machine gets a good reboot soon!

Canadian Abroad said... 6

Oh those are seriously beautiful, Annabella. Keep going. Good summer project for you. But I do miss you here online. Must remember to email you more when I don't hear or see from you for a while!

blandina said... 7

We all have moments in which we blog less. The heat is one of the reasons, I feel very lazy and have little wish to do anything.
But it doesn't seem to me that you are idle!

Cindy Sharp said... 8

Very pretty....just the right project for facing the heat. said... 9

Love these.

Quilting In The Cold said... 10

Those hexies are gorgeous, love the colours!

Kay said... 11

Hexies ar emy favourite thing at the minute. Love your colour choices.

Catherine said... 12

sorry that it is so hot-please send some sunshine over here! Love your hexies. have free shipping(incl international) and 25% off (code=FAT25) :in case you run out of cardboard!!

Katy Cameron said... 13

Bugger on the technology breakdown, but that's a fab use for those charms! Hmm, maybe I need to use mine for something similar... (who am I kidding, I have no time for yet another other project o.O)

Cherie said... 14

Love those hexies!! The colours are awesome! Hope you get that laptop sorted out =D

Strawberry Patch said... 15

been missing you! Love the Hexi's and hope you are back ft soon :-)

Rosa said... 16

Those hexies are very cute!

Susan said... 17

Very sweet hexies! Was wondering if everything was okay with you! Glad you're good, just hot I suppose!

Dolores said... 18

Hexy's look fab. Have a look at an App I'm using on my iPhone and iPad - Blogsy. Drag and drop photos from Flickr or your Camera Roll.

Prof. S (the enchanted bobbin) said... 19

I was wondering what was up in LRP-land! Sorry about the computers...your EPP is lovely :) Hope you're doing well.

Jenelle said... 20

Those look fantastic! What a great way to use the charms! I figured your computer had gotten zapped by the heat. :( I hope you're able to get things up and running again soon and that you'll get a break in the heat in the near future. I'll send you my cold, rainy weather and you can send me a few sunny days. ;)

Sheila said... 21

Hope you solve your techie issues soon.
I hate Grandma's FG but I think you might be changing my mind......

mary/Sy Lake Quilts said... 22

Glad to hear that you are okay-- i was worried. Good luck with the computer problems.

Archie The Wonder Dog said... 23

Gorgeous hexies! Come back soon though, we miss you!

Judith, Belfast said... 24

These hexies are gorgeous A! What a shame we can't have a little of your heat over here! Jxo

Nicky said... 25

Love the flowers - is this hexy MF in the making or do you have another plan!

Hope you cool down and get back on the laptop soon!

leanne said... 26

so sorry to hear about your laptop - I love love love your hexies :)

Collette said... 27

your hexies are lovely I make my own templates too I would rather spend the money on fabric than pre cut templates etc I am on instagram too it is v handy isn't it? x