At the beginning of 2012, I received an email inviting me to join a mystery round robin bee. The sender was bloggy pal Di. She also sent the email to a few other bloggy friends and resistance was futile. After a few emails ironing out the details it was agreed that we would make 2 starter blocks and post them to the person assigned to eventually making up our quilt tops which in my case was bee mama Di. The blocks we made for each other would remain secret until we received the assembled top!
I uhmmed and I ahhed about the theme for my quilt and eventually decided on curves. This was my inspiration mosaic.
1. single girl - it's a wrap!, 2. Pear Blossom 4, 3. Detail of "Spot On" Circle Quilt, 4. asterisk detail, 5. For Quilt around the block, 6. Drunkard's path clamshells, 7. Drunkard's Path QAL, 8. Color Study: Drunkard's Path ~ 2009, 48"X52", 9. detail shot of the modern drunkard's path, 10. yellow drunkard's path block, 11. Not so little hint..., 12. Improv curve notecards, 13. FTLOS, 14. Squiggle pillow, 15. Baby Girl Quilt, 16. Drunkards Path for Amber aka One Shabby Chic - PTS 6, 17. anjas_amybutlerquilt_detail, 18. New Block Design :: Half Moon Rising, 19. Oregon born, NC bound, 20. Camera Roll-1097, 21.Sonnenschein lieblingsdecke krabbeldecke quilt frankfurt, 22. Retro Flowers Quilt, 23. retro flowers no. 3, 24. Neighbours, 25. Drunkard's Path Quilt
I asked for blocks measuring 24" x 24" and made my starter blocks.
Clamshells |
Beads using Jenny's curved ruler
Each of us bought a yard of fabric which we would use in all the quilts - I used this Cloud 9 fabric.
In hindsight I realize that my theme was a little unfair but you know what, the girls did an amazing job!
So without further ado, here it is...!!
...yup, the wrong way round! You can probably just make out the puzzled expression on hubby's face? As I was walking down the steps, I heard my husband say, "Shouldn't it be the other...?" "What did you say?" I asked. "Oh nothing..." he replied. Yes my clamshells and beads are the wrong way round but never mind!
Just look what everyone made.
Top Middle Susan has such a distinct style colourwise - just like her, it's always bright and cheerful.
Susan is the only member of the bee I have met (so far) - here she is sitting in her home at her favourite spot last 'summer'. I could have picked her block out blindfolded (well almost). She made some super cute pieced balls which look like juggling balls and cleverly used Lu Summer's portholes technique for the rings at the top!
Middle Left Danny made me a beautiful block of appliqued pebbles - the prettiest pebbles you could imagine finding. I have made a small block of these myself and appliqueing them is not that easy but I love the effect and they bring beautiful movement to the quilt!
Middle This stunning Dresden was made by Helen in Switzerland and is a perfect centerpiece for the quilt. It's bold and beautiful and uses some gorgous fabrics.
Middle Right This very cool block was made by Katy and uses the most beautiful palette of aqua, greys and yellows. I love its originality - it reminds me of a branch of beautiful blossom.
Bottom Left Hadley paper pieced this utterly gorgeous New York Beauty for me and boy is it beautifully pieced and Hadley used such lovely fabrics!
Bottom Middle We have 2 'Di's' in the group and this Di made me this stunning 'lemons & limes' block. I know Di doesn't like curves but these are so beautifully made and sounding like a broken record made in the most beautiful fabrics.
And I rotated the photo so you can see the quilt top the right way round!
Isn't it wonderful? Thank you so much to my friends in this group - Susan, Hadley, Helen, Di, Katy, Danny and last but not least, our wonderful bee mama Di. I couldn't be happier. Round 2 starts next month. We're sadly losing Danny but gaining 5 new members to bring the tally to 12. I can't wait!
Do check out the other blogs today as the grand reveal continues!
This is a gorgeous top! you are so lucky! You all did a great job
Wow each block is as wonderful as the next.
What a great idea for a bee!
It's beautiful!!
Stunning! Each of your quilts I've seen so far are absolute masterpieces!
Amazing blocks! It is beautiful! Couldn't help notice being part of your inspiration! That hasn't happened to me before, thanks! How are you going to quilt it? X
It was such a priveledge to be the Bee Mama in of this group. Everyone did an amazing job and your quilt is so pretty and leaves you lots of opportunity for some lovely quilting. Can't wait to see what you do with it!
Can't say I followed which of the blocks was whose but it doesn't really matter because they are all amaze balls!!
Brilliant quilt and yeah I'm sure there was a few intakes of breath when people realised they had to come up with curves!
Wow! This is awesome! What a brilliant quilt! Jxo
I think I used to bright colours compared to everyone else!!! But I did love doing the block for you and really hope you love the whole quilt.
I loved your curved theme, but stuck to appliqué, since it's what I know! I'm so glad I was able to contribute to such a lovely quilt and that I was able to get to know you better through this whole process!
Wow! it is so gorgeous. I love it so much. Every block as a distinct personality, but they go together so well.
I'm really enjoying all these posts! Your quilt is gorgeous :-D
Wow, what a reveal! How totally fabulous all those block are - lucky duck!!
Oh wow, this is amazing, such fabulous blocks and colours
Wow this is a gorgeous quilt - lucky you!
It's fabulous Annabella.but I'm now wondering if I should have used a white background rather than the brights.....
Oh wow- it turned out amaaaaazing! I know you are so thrilled. I'm so excited to be part of round 2!
This is stunning! What an amazing experience! Love it Annabella how special...
Beautiful. I am loving seeing all the ST quilts. Di x
Thanks for making me do curves! I'm no longer afraid (I still don't like doing them much, but I'm not afraid!) I love the colours in this quilt. Such lovely fabrics!!
Your quilt is wonderful! There is such variety and colour in it - very lively. I'm sorry I sad no the first time and didn't get a second opportunity to join in.
This is looking awesome Annabelle, looks like lots of hard work went into that quilt. Great job!!
I had a little too much fun with layering all those 'blossoms' up, and then got all worried later that I should have pieced them in, glad it still works!
Wow! What a great idea! I love all the quilts. Just amazing. :)
I loved making your block, but got a bit worries about all my whiteness - but Di managed an arrangement that got the balance so right.
And Snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
Wow, it's stunning. Well done everyone!
So great! I really feel I need to comment on each of the Stitch Tease quilt tops, although I might repeat myself - they are all so lovely. I love how well the blocks go together, although they are so distinct.
Everyone did such a great job on their blocks for your quilt. I'm so looking forward to joining your group next month. I have to say I'm a bit nervous.....eek!
Everyone stepped up to curved piecing like champs! I'm also inspired by how much variety each of your mates added in each block. What a fun quilt!
It is beautiful! I just love it and you are so lucky to be in such a wonderful group of friends and quilters.
Wow a stunning quilt and one to treasure, each block is so individual but it all works beautifully together.
What a stunner, you have all done a wonderful job.
beautiful!!!! funny hubby!
beautiful!!!! funny hubby!
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful! What an amazing bee. I really love looking at all the finishes and how much thought you've put into each other's blocks!
Oh wow! I am so loving these tops. You guys did such an amazing job!
This is flipping awesome! I'm loving all the quilts in this bee, you talented lot x
I follow all your blogs and have been eagerly awaiting the reveals! Your complete top is gorgeous. You would've scared the bejesus out of me with curves! I think what has made the biggest impression on me is the friendship you all have made. You are very lucky girls! I didn't realise you we're going to do it again.
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