It's May 6 and that can only mean one thing - Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day! If this is your first visit or your ...nth visit, then welcome.
So that you get a quick flavour of what I make, here are some of my latest favourite makes!
I won't keep you as I know you're anxious to see what other wonderful goodies are on offer!
So that you get a quick flavour of what I make, here are some of my latest favourite makes!
I won't keep you as I know you're anxious to see what other wonderful goodies are on offer!
I am giving away this Chicopee and low volume fabric Modern Blockade cushion/pillow cover (pillow form not included), which features in the latest issue of ezine Fat Quarterly! It will easily fit a 20" x 20" pillow form. The front of the pillow is the Blockade block surrounded by flying geese in Chicopee and low volume fabrics. The back is a simple envelope closure in Chicopee.
To be in with a chance of winning, here's how:
1. Leave a comment telling me what your favourite quilting magazine is.
2. Followers get an extra entry - you can follow me through Google Friends Connect or Bloglovin'.
I shall ship internationally. The giveway is open until May 10 at 5PM PST.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 281 Newer› Newest»It's beautiful! Quick Quilts or McCall's Quilting are a couple I've perused. Thank you.
I follow your blog too. =)
Oh, I can't believe you are giving away your famous pillow! I guess I'd have to say Fat Quarterly, because it's the only one I read. Selection of paper mags is limited and expensive here in Norway.
And I'm a follower:)
Oooooh crossing everything for this - I love this cushion! My fave mag would be Fat Quarterly as well ;o)
Very happy stalker ;o)
Beautiful cushion! Unfortunately I don't read quilting magazines as I can't find any in the shops! I do read Fat quarterly though and loads of blogs and Flickr for inspiration!
I'm a follower too :D
You are giving away this lovely pillow ? Oh this is great!
I do not have a magazine I like or read. I love the WWW and all the inspiring blogs much more
I love to follow your blog
Oh wow, this is a great giveaway! I want the famous pillow too! Yeah, I don't really have a favourite quilting magazine - I get most of my quilting inspiration online. Paper magazines are super expensive here in New Zealand too :-(
I'm a follower :-)
Quilting Arts, encourages me to try things more arty and less traditional!
Follow follow follower!
You are giving this away!!!! Why, that is so generous! I don't buy magazines- far too expensive here! I saw a American "Stitches" magazine in the newsagent the other day and it was over $25!!!
And yes, I'm a follower!
Gorgeous pillow. I love the Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazines. Good patterns and interesting articles.
Linda on travjonuk@yahoo.com
Gorgeous pillow. I love the Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazines. Good patterns and interesting articles.
Linda on travjonuk@yahoo.com
gorgeous cushion/pillow Annabella - thanks for such a generous giveaway ! I read fat quarterly and I also love the new Generation Q magazine :)
oh yay - an extra chance - I'm a follower !
I love that cushion, I hope it's coming to live with me! I don't really read magazines (poor concentration means I just flick through them and don't actually read anything) but I do like Fat Quarterly.
I'm a happy follower!
Oh I love this cushion, fab giveaway!!
Very happy follower :)
What a great giveaway Miss A! My first and only love is Fat Quarterly. No others seem to stack up!
I'll follow you anywhere, my dear. xx
I am a follower
Irish Quilting is my fav mag.
Love it! I don't read quilting magazines but I do like the Fat Quarterly on occasion!
Are you serious? You are really giving away your beautiful cushion. That is a serious commitment to your followers! I'm happy with any magazine as long as it's in English!!
I am a follower, of course.
I am a follower, of course.
My favorite sewing magazine (sorry no fav. quilting magazine yet) is Stitch. I have several issues but haven't actually sewn anything from them...odd isn't it!
I'm a follower through Bloglovin' :)
My favorite magazine is Quilting & Patchwork.
I don't read quilting magazines mainly because there are so many good bloggers!
I'm a fan of Fat Quarterly!
mcintoshsusan at Hotmail dot com
I'm a fan of Fat Quarterly!
mcintoshsusan at Hotmail dot com
I'm a follower!
mcintoshsusan at Hotmail dot com
this is beautiful! I love all of the magazines (and buy them all too! oops) lately I am really loving Quilty
Australian Homespun.
I cant believe you're giving that away! Are you nuts? Has this flu-bug gone to your head???
Fat Quarterly is the only quilty magazine I look at. I follow too!
Wow what a GREAT pillow! I like Fat Quarterly!
I do not think that any quilting magazine is published in Italy, as fa as I am concerned I prefer to look at what you make and salivate.
love quilting and patchwork is the only one ive bought...cannot belive you are giving that away....madness but very generous
Lovely!! My favourite magazine is Quilt Mania
Yes I follow
Wow that cushion is amazing. I like Fat Quarterly If only it was printed out.
I follow your blog
Oh Annabella i LOVE that cushion. And it would go perfectly with my lounge quilt!!!
Is it wrong that I don't have a favourite quilting magazine? I haven't bought one in over a year including even the FQ mag. Slack me!
I find that everything I need in the way of inspiration is on the internet, including lovely blogs such as yours!!
(haha that sounds like a terribly suck-up thing to say, but as you are a friend you know it's true ;) )
and I follow. Of course.
How could I not!
I Love your cushion! I don't really read quilting magazines now, but back in the day I read Quick Quilts, and still have a lot of them!
And I am a follower
My fav quilt magazine are the ones I can trade with people!!!
Yay I follow thru' GFC and Bloglovin'! I don;t subscribe to magazines but I buy the odd one specifically for a project.
My quilt magazine collection is out of control, so I try not to buy anymore. I get most of my inspiration online and love Fat Quarterly! Thank you for the wonderful give away chance!
Yup, I am a follower.
I usually buy whichever newsstand quilt mag that happens to have the most modern quilts in them (I'm lucky if a magazine has two).
I follow your blog via GFC; thanks for the chance!
O what a pretty cushion, would love to win your handmade lovely! I really don't read sewing magazines... I feel like they are a bit of waste of money because I don't ever end up making things. That is why I follow lots of blogs instead :) Jeni Baker's blog is one of my favorite for inspiration! I do like the projects from Fat Quarterly tho!
beautiful pillow! I like American Patchwork and Quilting and Australian Homespun. There is a newer one called Modern Quilts Unlimited that I like and I also like Quilty.
Can I be honest and say that I have never bought a quilting magazine??? Shocking, I know. :)
Oh I love this cushion A! How can you give it away! But thanks anyway!!! LOL! Jxo
I'm most definitely a follower! Jxo
What a fabulous pillow! Thanks for the chance to win it. I don't have a favorite magazine - I read blogs like yours instead.
If it's not living with Helen I'd love that stunning cushion of yours to come and live with me Annabella!
I follow and it's Susan's fault!
Oh Annabella, I lvoe it! I really like Quilty.
And I'm a happy follower!
i love this cushion-it's stunning! i don't buy any quilting magazines-i usually admire quilting books from the library or trust the online community of quilters for inspiration.
Beautiful pillow cover!
Well I'll say Stitches, even though it's not ALL quilting, thank you so much for the giveaway!
I am loving Modern Quilts Unlimited. And I follow you on Bloglovin'!
This pillow is beautiful! I love Fat Quarterly!
I'm a new follower!
Unfortunately I rarely see a quilting magazine, so rely on blogs for inspiration!
Been a follower for a while!
Quilting Arts
Fave mag would have to be FQ too, it's the only one I consistently read :o)
and you know i'm a follower..... but i made it official with the google thingy!
Gorgeous!! I love the mollie makes magazine
You know im a follower :)
Beautiful work! I usually look at Fons & Porter, Quick Quilts and any with a cool pattern.
I don't actually know any quilting magazines, I've never quilted before. But I would LOVE to win your pillow cover!
peachstateme at hotmail dot com
Love the pillow - the colors are perfect for my den. My new favorite quilting magazine is Modern Quilts Unlimited. Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm a GFC follower. Thanks again.
I just happen to have a spare 20" pillow hanging about.
Don't buy many mags any more but do like the Australian Homespun now and again.
And of course I already follow you.
Love the pillow! I don't have a favorite quilting magazine, I like them all!
I like Quilter's World, McCall's Quilting and many others. I wish I could subscribe to them all.
Here in Brazil I read Patch & Afins. I have MacCall's Quilting Digital and love Fat Quarterly.
I follow your blog!
I try to read American patchwork and Quilting, really like it!
I am a new follower! Looking forward to see what you make!
I don't think I really have a favorite. I just look at them all and take the projects I like and leave the others....
I haven't bought a quilting mag in years. Mainly because there are no newsagents close by and the supermarket/local shops only have a limited selection of any magazines. I guess the nearest I have to a fav would be fat quarterly
I'm a follower - I should think via google connect thingy. But you're on my blog roll which is really how I do my proper following.
I don't think I've ever really read a quilting mag before...mostly just online ideas. A beautiful pillow indeed! Would be much loved!
New follower! Thanks!
Fave mag is American Patchwork & Quilting. Thanks!
What a great giveaway. thank you for the chance to win. Hmm, my favorite magazine at the moment is the AQS Quilters magazine.
Oh, and I'm a follower.
I don't have a favorite magazine. I will pick one up at the store if I see something I really want to make.
I am a follower.
Fat Quarterly is pretty cool.
Modern Quilting or Quilt Mania
Love Fat Quarterly best - can't believe you are giving this away!!!! Thank you xxx
Follower? Hell yeah!
I don't normally buy quilt magazines but stuffed is my favorite softie making magazine!
Following by Bloglovin'
I love your cushion,I admit I've been drooling over it. My favourite mag is Fat Quarterly, so inspirational.
Thank you for a fabulous giveaway!
I follow your blog.
Modern Patchwork. It's pretty new, but awesome.
Awesome pillow cover! Right now I don't have a favorite quilting magazine. I quit subscribing to all of them. Have any suggestions?
Awesome giveaway! I've picked up a couple of quilt magazines along the way but don't really have a favorite. Thanks for the chance to win.
I don't buy quilting mags... Sorry.
And I am a follower!
Australian homespun is my choice. Your pillow is just amazing! Thanks for giving it away!!!
I follow quilting blogs instead of reading quilting magazines. I really love Sew4Home!
I cannot believe you are giving it away! It is such a gorgeous cushion. Thanks for chance, Annabella. And I am afraid to say (I'm whispering now) I don't buy any quilting magazines. Eeek!
I'm a follower. You know that but I'm not missing the chance to put my name in the hat twice.
I guess Fat Quarterly because I don't read many regularly. Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
What a pretty pillow cover!
I don't read a lot of quilting magazines, actually almost none - I don't buy them anyway! I've liked a few projects in Quilty, though.
Bah - please delete my last comment! It published before I had a chance to add my email address...
What a pretty pillow cover!
I don't read a lot of quilting magazines, actually almost none - I don't buy them anyway! I've liked a few projects in Quilty, though.
I do love fat quarterly. But there's a bunch of new modern ones I like too. Oh, and GenXQuilts.
I am a follower. My favorite magazine is Quilting Newsletter.
I would love for you to also join my blog address is below:
I enjoy "Quilts and More"
My favourite tends to be whatever I can get hold of up here in my hilltop town :-)
I can't say I have a favorite, the only one I've read is Fat Quarterly although my subscription has expired.
Ohh, I would love this!
Not sure if I have a favorite, but I like Modern Patchwork.
I'm a follower!
I absolutely love this pillow -- If I don't win I am going to make it! The only quilt mag i have is Modern Quilts.
Wow -- that pillow is beautiful! I don't really read any quilting magazines. I buy books from time to time, and follow a lot of blogs religiously for instruction and inspiration. Thanks for the chance to win!
Thank you for the giveaway! Modern Patchwork and Australian Homespun are on my craft table at the moment.
I am a follower
My favorite magazine is American Patchwork & Quilting Thanks!
I follow you through google reader!
I don't read a lot of quilting magazines, but I have a couple issues of Fat Quarterly that I keep going back to. Thanks for the giveaway! Love the Chicopee :)
I follow you on bloglovin
I enjoy reading Modern Patchwork and Love of Quilting & Patchwork. Quilty is an occasional read also. I'm in love with this pillow!!
I Love Mollie Makes!
Fat Quarterly! Also, that pillow would go perfect with a clamshell Chicopee pillow I made earlier this year. Crossing my fingers!
Favorite would be Modern Quilting Unlimited. Thanks for the chance ton win this wonderful cushion!!!Beautiful!
I follow you through BlogLovin and The Old Reader - trying both out.
Handmade from Australia is my fav crafty mag. Quilts stitching galore
Follow via Bloglovin
I prefer to read blogs on the web :) julia.glotova (at) gmail (dot) com
I like Australian Homespun magazine - I subscribed to a digital version of it this year .
I am a follower too - such a gorgeous pillow!
Probably not the best thing to say but I don't really buy magazines. I've tried several quilting and sewing magazines and there tend to be too many adverts. Also the content seems quite old, especially if you read as many blogs as I seem to!
I'm thinking of trying fat quarterly when things quieten down a bit though as I've heard really good things.
I like Quilting Arts!
I can't believe that you are going to part with your gorgeous cushion!!
I love Fat Quarterly but I did really like a new one called Love Quilting & Patchwork in the UK!
I am a follower!
I love this pillow :-) Thanks for sharing. The only quilting magazine I have seen is Love Quilting and Patchwork - and it was great!
I follow you on Blog Lovin :-)
I am brand spanking new to quilting - and just tentatively making my first one now. But Fat Quarterly sounds brilliant!
Stitch (when I read it )
i follow
Fon's and Porter was my favorite for a long time. I have not found one that I really like; that is functional for me in a very long time. Thank you for the chance to win. I will try some of the magazine's your readers have listed!
Suzanne dot Jourdan at gmail dot com
I am a follower with Google Friends
suzanne dot Jourdan at gmail.com
Hello from Minnesota! This pillow is lovely (and I just happen to have a lonely 20" IKEA down insert looking for a cozy outfit right now.) I haven't met a quilt magazine I didn't like for one reason or another but I'm really fond of "Quilty."
And I'm a new follower with Bloglovin' :)
I love American patchwork and quilting
It's been years since I subscribed to a quilting magazine. Having fun reading over the others.
hi! am following you on bloglovin'... i don't really have a fav quilting mag. etsy is a true inspiration, blogs, hawthorne threads, etc. your work is so beautiful! thanks for the giveaway! :) bulwinkle44@hotmail.com
Love your blog. I really like Gen Q and Quilty magazines. Thanks for participating in the Giveaway Day.
I'm a happy follower.
Quick Quilts!! I love any project that is fast and easy. Great givewaway!! Thank you!!
mugirl113 at gmail dot com
oh, and I am a follower also via Google. :-)
mugirl113 at gmail dot com
I don't subscribe to any quilting magazines, just lots of quilting blogs. Thanks for hosting!
Your cushion cover is beautiful! Fat Quarterly is the only quilting mag I read, so I'll say that :-)
I follow through bloglovin too :-)
Simple stunning. Would look so good in my home. I only have the Magazine Quiltmaker in my home. Pretty good magazine to have. Thank you so much for the chance to win that pillow. Hard work and lots of love.
Sandi Timmons
I love Quilting Quickly, by Jenny from Missouri Quilt Co, great for precursor, loving this giveaway!
Thanks for the chance.
I love the Quiltmania magazine. Good quality and has a style I enjoy.
My favorite is Fat Quarterly, by far! Beautiful pillow - I love it!
It is beautiful! I don't quilt, so I don't have a favorite magazine. :(
quilts and more
I read lots of magazines - Quilter's Newsletter, Quilty, and the new Modern Quilting are among my favorites.
Fat Quarterly is definitely my favourite.
I love your cushions and the colours you have chosen!
I follow you on GFC :)
To tell you the truth, I don't buy many mags these days, as my greatest resource is the internet. I do still have a large collection of Australian Patchwork & Quilting mags that I still go back to from time to time.
I LOVE your pillow! Thanks for a chance to win it x
I'm following you on bloglovin!
I don't really have a favorite quilt magazine. I like any that I have. Thanks for the chance to win!
new bloglovin" follower
Primitive Quilts and Projects. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I really like Fat Quarterly!!
I follow via GFC!
Love this pillow-it's beautiful! I don't read magazines-just blogs!
I guess I would say Fat Quarterly is my favorite since it's really the only one I read. Thanks for a chance to win this AWESOME pillow. It would look so perfect on my couch!
probably Quilting Arts
I love McCall's quilting magazine. I am a new follower and love your pillow cover:)
I don't really have a favourite quilting magazine. I haven't seen very many of them.
I sadly don't read any quilting magazines. I have so little time to read for fun with school that when I do it is either blogs or fiction novels.
McCall's Quick Quilts is a favorite, and the only one I actually subscribe to.
Wow! Gorgeous Pillow! I love Stitch and Quilty Magazines.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Beautiful cushion, thank you for the giveaway. I love Fat Quarterly.
The only quilting magazine is have read is Love Quilting and Patchwork, which I really liked!
And I'm a follower :)
I like 100 Blocks :)
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