Friday, 1 March 2013

Fresh Sewing Day March Edition

So February wasn't quite so prolific as January but satisfying all the same...and it was shorter after all.

There was just the one finish - the Love it or Hate it baby quilt for Amira who arrived yesterday! She was slightly ahead of schedule and we're hoping to meet her tomorrow. Mother and baby are doing well.

I made good progress on James' Union flag quilt by adding a border and piecing a back, which I have started quilting so I'm hoping for an early March finish, which should bring my 2013 quilt finishes to a self -astonishing 5.

There was some progress with my granny quilt but I'm awaiting fresh supplies of (Kona) snow before I can take it any further. 

I tried some new things - including paper piecing for the first time, making Lynne's Just Jack block. I also joined in Debbie's triplezipalong making a triple zippered pouch for me and I made a travelling teabag pouch (using Charlotte's excellent tute) as a gift and I can see me making more of these in the future.

And I could hold off no longer and started a new quilt assembling the top in half a day - my giant Cameo star. I have some backing and can rustle up some binding.  I'm just hoping the batting turns up in time for the fabric mule's (aka my lovely mum) visit on Monday.  Fingers crossed!

*the Megan's Star blocks are a bit of a cheat as I didn't make them, well not all of them - they are my bee blocks from the We Bee Modern Too bee, but I laid them out in February for the first time and needed an extra photo for my mosaic.

Linking up with Lynne's Fresh Sewing Day...oh and Happy St.David's Day to any Welsh readers!

Lily's Quilts


heart of charnwood said... 1

A busy month, and some lovely projects in progress, well done! :)

Susan said... 2

Your mosaic looks pretty impressive to me! Lots of lovelies there!

Toni said... 3

So many pretty projects! And congratulations on your new niece!

Charlotte said... 4

you made so many lovely things!!!

QuiltCandy said... 5

Well it looks like a very busy month to me! Wonderful makes and I said it before but I just LOVE the fabrics in that star block!

Lucy | Charm About You said... 6

fantastic month and I love the baby quilt :)

memmens said... 7

Great month - love the tea bag pouch

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said... 8

that looks like a pretty prolific month to me!! (of course that is coming from someone who spent Jan sitting on a beach LOL)

cheeky monkey said... 9

Lovely things! I love the blue union jack.

Sarah said... 10

Wow! You mean Jan was more prolific than this?! You must be a machine! All absolutely gorgeous though - still loving that giant star!

Archie The Wonder Dog said... 11

A wonderful month - I hope Amira likes her quilt!

Heather D. said... 12

Beautiful stuff this month Annabella. I think the star blocks in the lower row are my fave!

Carla said... 13

A gorgeous mosaic of work. Lovely

Heidi Staples said... 14

Annabella, these are all so beautiful! That baby quilt is darling, and I love your wallet and pouch too!

Catherine said... 15

What a successful month - they are all lovely! In the mosaic there's something about them that looks very Moroccan (Union Jack aside!)

Catherine said... 16

What a lot of fabulous projects! Hope the early arrival is well

Indianna said... 17

fantastic finishes...I've still not made a tripple zipper!

Nat at Made in Home said... 18

So many finishes! A great month.

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 19

Lots of lovelies, and we all know February is only half the length of a normal month!

Deborah said... 20

Fabulous projects for February!!

Katy Cameron said... 21

Love what you've been working on, hope the fabric mule delivers!

Leanne said... 22

I love your makes and congrats on the new baby in your family. I am catching up, I loved your video and the word people picked for their styles.

Sarah said... 23

Productive month! You're in for a lot of finishes this year I think. Congratulations on your new niece. Is she in Morocco too? Hope you get to meet her soon.

Cille said... 24

You're always managing so much! Your cameo star is brilliant.

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said... 25

Your mosaic is is looking wonderful! You've had a great month :)

Kirsten said... 26

So many beautiful finishes Annabella - really love your Granny squares and the triple zip pouch!

Debbie said... 27

Looks like a great month to me! So glad you could join in the Triple-Zip along!

Run Quilt Knit Write said... 28

Looks pretty prolific to me!!! Massively more than I managed!!

Beth said... 29

Looks like a great month to me!