Friday, 6 June 2014

Window to the Soul - A Quilt for Juliette

Back in 2011, I made my Marrakech Rose quilt and soon after it went to live in Paris with my friend Margot's young daughter.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago when Margot contacted me to see whether I would make a quilt for her other daughter, Juliette - aged 13 1/2. Juliette had seen a free Amy Butler pattern and wanted it in exactly the same fabrics - her Organic Soul collection.

As this was an old line, it took a while to track down all the fabrics.  Many were on sale at Hawthorne Threads (score!) but it took a couple of Etsy sellers to finalise things - and the centre fabric was ridiciulously difficult to find.

While it wasted quite a bit of fabric, I love the fussy cut centre and first border.

The top took no time to whip up before I straight line quilted it in vertical 1" lines. That took a bit longer...

I took these shots before rushing to the courier - I wasn't trusting this baby to the Moroccan postal system!
The bright sun doesn't do these fabrics justice, as well as the shadow from the railing!

I really love this quilt - it was quite difficult to part with but knowing that it lives with its warmer sister in Paris makes me happy. As does knowing this is my third finish of 2014.

Quit Stats
Pattern: Amy Butler's free Window to the Soul pattern
Front fabric: Amy Butler's Organic Soul collection
Backing and Binding: Amy Butler's Organic Soul collection
Size: 68" x 72"
Batting: Dream Orient


Susan said... 1

I love the simplicity of this quilt Annabella! And the jewel like colours look fabulous photographed in your little corner of Morocco! ( I don't think the colours look washed out at all!)

Cindy said... 2


Charlotte said... 3

it's really beautiful - I can see why she wanted it exactly like that!

Catherine said... 4

No wonder you'd like to hang on to it - love the blue/greens and your photos are beautiful.

Cindy said... 5

Absolutely beautiful pattern to show off those fabrics. Love the deep jewel ocean colors, too!

Laura said... 6

Beautiful colors! Glad you were able to replicate the quilt.

Dianne Neale said... 7

You can make one for yourself now!

Leanne said... 8

I love the rich Amy Butler fabrics, your quilt is beautiful! said... 9

You are a good friend. This is a lovely finish for a lucky teen.

Heather @ Winding Bobbins said... 10

Gorgeous! And I love the shadow from the railing!

Heather @ Winding Bobbins said... 11

Oh, and for a minute I thought you said that YOU went to live in Paris with your friend's daughter and thought that sounded a bit odd! ;)

Katherine said... 12

Fabulous! So glad you were able to track down exactly what you needed to make this quilt, Annabella. It is so gorgeous! I'm certain Juliette will love her new quilt.

Carla said... 13

Congratulations Anabella. Another finish! It's beautiful

Katy Cameron said... 14

Oooh, lovely job! Well done for tracking down all that fabric too :o)

Tamie said... 15

You are a good friend. What a lucky girl.

Isisjem said... 16

gorgeous! And so great you managed to track all that fabric down!

Canadian Abroad said... 17

I love the contrasting centre fabric and then all this cool blues and greens. Lovely finish.

elsy said... 18

i love it....wonderful colours

Rachaeldaisy said... 19

What a gorgeous quilt!! Such beautiful rich colours. I love how you've fussy cut the center fabric and that it contrasts with the borders.

moira said... 20

simple and really effective. lovely

CitricSugar said... 21

Gorgeous! I can't imagine how tricky it must have been to source all those fabrics - that's an impressive feat in itself!

Nat at Made in Home said... 22

Beautiful! Juliette will love it! And great to see that line of Amy Butler going so well together.

Archie The Wonder Dog said... 23

It's fabulous!