Monday, 29 September 2014

Been Around the World...

...and I, I, I...

So it's my turn on the Around the World blog hop. Thank you to the lovely Sarah at Sew Me who nominated me to answer a few questions.

What am I working on? 

I usually have a combination of machine and hand quilting projects on the go at any one time (most of which take quite a while to complete) with there always being one main project.

I've just finished quilting my low volume scrappy Modern Maples quilt and the binding is on so a finish is on the horizon! This quilt was assembled from blocks made by my talented Stitch Tease bee mates.

Low Volume Scrappy Modern Maples
How does my work differ from others of its genre?

Oh it doesn't really differ at all. I'm not a trail blazer - I leave that to others, but I do believe my makes reflect my surroundings in that they usually consist of very warm and saturated colours. Shy and retiring they are not. I do wonder whether if I lived in say Stockholm, my quilts would be made from pale blues,greens and neutrals. I'd like to think so.

Field Study Triangle quilt
Scrappy Trip around the World

Anna Maria Horner Drawing Room Plus quilt

Why do I write/create what I do?
I rediscovered sewing a few years ago after my mum sent me a layer cake, a ruler and a rotary cutter  -  having not done any sewing since I was a teenager when I used to make my own clothes. Like many,quilting was love at first stitch. I love the fact that you create something that is beautiful, practical and well just makes you happy.

Chicopee cushion
My blog posts usually deal with sewing and not so much my daily life although sometimes a picture of my handsome boy sneaks in..

...and the odd photo of me in my local surroundings.

How does my writing/creating process work?

It's seldom planned and a little haphazard. Because I order everything online or bring it back from the UK, I have to use what I have or wait a few weeks. I tend to just come up with an idea and cut 5 minutes later. There's no sketching, no auditioning of fabrics - it's just grab what I have enough of, often or not and get making!

So thanks for reading along. I'm going to throw this out there to anyone who hasn't yet participated in this blog hop and wants to play - answer the questions and post next Monday October 6!


Sarah said... 1

I just can't imagine you making sedate cool toned quilts living in Stockholm. I think you'd be there shaking it up with your vibrancy and pizazz! You have a great idea for a themed quilt a long - making a quilt that reflects your surroundings. Thank you for hopping on!

Mareenchen said... 2

Great pic(k)s to illustrate your style. I love the triangles especially.

Sarah said... 3

agree with sarah! cant imagine you doing cool tones!

Rachaeldaisy said... 4

It was great to read your answers to the blog hop questions. I love your sense of colour!

CJ said... 5

You're very talented to be able to just cut a quilt out straight away. They always come out so beautifully. I loved reading a little more about your creative process. CJ xx

cheeky monkey said... 6

Gorgeous! No sketching? Think I do enough for both of us :D The colors really match the south but I am with Sarah, not sure if you would make blue&green quilts. But who knows :)

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said... 7

So lovely seeing all your quilts there, I'm another who can't quite see you doing cool tones. Thanks for sharing x

Jessica said... 8

Awesome post! Your quilts are definitely recognizable in their color scheme and I love it! I know that Chicopee pillow... oh hey... it's right here! :D

Carla said... 9

So fun! Your projects are always beautiful. I love it too when you post your beautiful house pictures

Wendy said... 10

nice to meet you! It certainly looks like you live somewhere interesting... Morocco? ah yes, just found it on your "about me"! Not a bad guess... I love the quilts and cushions you've made, gorgeous style!

DeborahGun said... 11

I think our surroundings really influence us - my love of saturated colours definitely comes from living in India! Love seeing your pile of quilts - all my favourite fabrics and designers too :-)

Archie The Wonder Dog said... 12

I love all the vibrant colours in your quilts!

Kirsten said... 13

So lovely to learn a little more about you Annabella - really love your use of vibrant colour!

Nat at Made in Home said... 14

Love that post!

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said... 15

I'm glad you're not in Stockholm! I love all the vibrant colours in your quilts and photos. They are always an inspiration :) said... 16

You are one of my favorite "bloggers. Why have I never seen that Chicopee pillow it's lovely

Angie said... 17

oooooh you made lovely things!