Thursday, 18 September 2014



Amy Butler Cameo Giant Star quilt

...that's how things have been around here.

Can you hear the geckos chirping?

In between lie-ins and siestas and when temperatures have allowed, there's been kantha style quilting

I hand quilted the first two quilts I made, but had no idea about perle cotton back then and the beautiful texture this dense quilting makes.

There's also been some EPP and needlepoint - which is stitching by numbers...or colours, so uber relaxing.

But enough already, there is a conga line of quilt tops accumulating.

At the top of the line is my beautiful Modern Maples quilt made by my amazingly talented bee mates in Stitch Tease - basted and ready to be quilted.

Behind that and waiting for some backing fabric is my Beechwood Park and Low Volume Churndash quilt top made by another set of talented ladies in the Sew Euro Bee An bee.

...and there's at least a couple more tops and 2 sets of bee blocks waiting to be assembled.

Our summer hols were spent in England. If I hadn't lent my camera memory card to my mum and then forgotten my phone in England I would share more but here's a micro taste of our lovely lovely time.

So call me the comeback kid but consider this blog back. I'm reading and commenting again and yes, there might be a finish very soon (which in this corner of the blogosphere is within the next month...)


Isisjem said... 1

Welcome back! You've been missed. So much fabric goodness. That hand stitching is amazing and I am loving the modern maples quilt. I didn't even think I liked this block!

dutchcomfort said... 2

So glad to see you are back Annabella! Zaki has grown into a big boy!!
Your handstitching is wonderful!

Catherine said... 3

Really love your kantha stitching!

Susan said... 4

Your kantha quilting is looking so beautiful.

Judith, Belfast said... 5

Gorgeous pics A! Glad you had a lovely summer. Can always rely on your blog being a riot of colour! jxo

Leanne said... 6

How lovely to see your beautiful work here again, and there is no rush on the finish.

DeborahGun said... 7

really amazing quilting and yay for relaxed slow summers :-)

Anonymous said... 8

Good to see you back here again! Your use of kantha-style quilting with perle is giving a great texture! I imagine it takes a long time to do a full quilt that way, though, but it must be quite relaxing to do.

CJ said... 9

Hi Annabella, lovely to see what you've been up to. I'm glad you had such a good summer over here. CJ xx

Julie said... 10

I am loving the colours in all your quilts - especially that maple quilt. Another one added to my 'one day list'.
Your kantha quilt looks incredible - you obviously have a lot of patience.

Carla said... 11

Your work is just beautiful! Every time ; )

Catherine said... 12

Your hand sewing is looking amazing! said... 13

I'm so glad you're back. I've missed you although I've been a bit slacky in the blog department. Thank goodness for IG otherwise people might think I've fallen off a cliff. I love love love your hand quilting. I really must try that sometime.

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said... 14

Lovely colourful quilt tops. I like the handstitching.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said... 15

You've been wonderfully busy with many good things! Beautiful.

Sarah said... 16

You may have quite a lot on the go but at least they are all gorgeous! That will make it easier to pick them up. Your needlepoint is very striking too. Good to have you back spoiling us with rich colour and pattern!

Archie The Wonder Dog said... 17

Yeah, you're back!! I love everything in this post!

Martha said... 18

I love your hand quilting. It is absolutely gorgeous!
Glad to have you back blogging. All of your quilt tops are beautiful they are going to make stunning quilts.

Katy Cameron said... 19

Welcome back! She says, a week late *ahem*

Nat at Made in Home said... 20

Love that handquilting - absolutely amazing! And those cross-stitch by colour templates will go beautifully with your quilts.. Welcome back!