Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Rockpooling

Rockpooling off the coast of El Jadida, Morocco
Linking up with Faith Hope & a Whole Lotta Love here.


Unknown said... 1

Awesome shot!

Vic said... 2

Ah sun... where art thou?

alison said... 3

What wonderful memories you are weaving - rockpooling in Morocco, stunning! Lovely to have found you via Wordless Wednesday. Alison x

www.randomthoughtsdoordi.com said... 4

this is a fantastic shot and looks like a great place to find little sea creatures!

GalleryJuana said... 5

gorgeous place to be for a sunny day. love all the browns set against the waves and thinking about all the little discoveries the kids are finding.

Canadian Abroad said... 6

Rock pooling - best fun money can't buy for kids and adults alike.

Hope said... 7

looks like they are having a wonderful time

Stasha said... 8

Stunning capture. They look so happy and engrossed.
Love the name of your blog!

Catherine said... 9

I want to be there !

admin said... 10

wow!!! what a beautiful spot! thanks for playing along.