Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Matters of a Swappy Nature and Some Scrappy Grannies

The follower clicker just turned over to 300!!  Woo hoo!  Thank you to Bianca for being the three hundredth follower and to everyone who has clicked that button over the last 13 or so months.  I can`t believe my eyes but thank you so so much.  Your visits, comments, input and advice make my day. Perhaps we need a giveaway.  I shall put my thinking cap on.

Anyway, yesterday was a squeely moment of excitement and nothing to do with being on a camel with Laura Jane!  I received a pouch from my partner in the Mouthy Stitches swap and it is a beauty!!

It was made by the lovely Ali of Very Berry Handmade and I love it so much.  When Ali was about to insert the zip she asked the Mouthy Stitches flikr group what colour we would like.  I plumped for purple and was very much in the minority as most people chose teal.  When I saw the update that a purple zip had been put in, I started to get very excited. I checked my mosaic and saw that I had included some Drunkard`s Path blocks as inspiration. I waited and crossed my fingers.

Yesterday, I was in the middle of lunch (chicken couscous cooked by my MIL if you must know) and the doorbell went. 3 packages - thank you postie! One was significantly fatter, came from England and was a `handmade gift`. I chobbled down the remains of lunch and tore the package open. I couldn`t believe my luck!  I love the design, my very favourite fabrics, the gorgeous hand-stitching, the wooden leaf zip pull - everything! 

Oh and the scraps! I will be able to use each and every one of these.

Ali even included generous pieces of her Liberty Lawn fabrics...see the front three on the left? Amazing. Ali couldn`t have read me better - she was an awesome partner. I couldn`t be happier - thank you so much Ali!  Thank you also to all the swap mamas - Susan, Hadley and Cindy for all their hard work in putting the swap together and making it such fun...and a particular thank you to Susan for pairing me up with Ali.

Turning to the For the Love of Solids 2 swap, international shipping has started and I need to get my package off.  It`s finished and ready to go.

I made a zip pouch to match the mini.  I had a reject block that I cut up and used with some Kona charcoal and a lovely olive green zip.

I was a rebel and broke the rules slightly by using the Downtown print for the lining.  I hope I`m not in too much trouble!

I had no trouble putting the zipper in...

...and here`s the back...

I use the variegated grey and black thread that was part of my FMQ prize from Rhonda.  I really hope my partner likes it.  It`s her style and in her colours...she`s been positive online so fingers crossed!

Lastly, there are some scrappy grannies in town.  Yesterday morning I needed some indulgent me me me sewing.  Having admired the granny blocks springing up over the blogosphere. I made these bunnies.

I`m using my scraps and the blocks are fun to make and quick too. I`m using my second camera at the moment as I can`t find my charger (grrrr) and so the colours aren`t great - they are brighter in person and not so pastel.

My mum arrives tomorrow, the sun is shining, there are blue skies and we have temps around 26 C (79F).  Life is good here.  Hope it is wherever you are!


Archie The Wonder Dog said... 1

Love both the pouches! And the lining in the solids pouch is a perfect touch - hope you don't get told off!! Have a great time with your mam!

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said... 2

Ooh lucky you, gorgeous pouch. I loved that one when I saw it! And your FTLOS package looks great too. I'm loving the granny squares, I might have to make some with some scraps for a fun me project :-)

Isisjem said... 3

Loving both the pouches and that downtown lining. All these gorgeous granny squares popping up are making me want to play along - only I have other stuff I must do before I start new stuff :-)

linda said... 4

love both pouches and all your scraps and i think i love the lining too not seen it before so must look it up :)))
enjoy your time with your mum :))

Canadian Abroad said... 5

Yippee to your swap mama doing such a good match! ;-)

And congratulations on 300 followers - every last one deserved.

Kelly said... 6

Ohh you lucky mare, I loved that pouch!!
Your FTLOS pouch is lovely with its perfect zipper.

Anonymous said... 7

What fabulous post, I'm just going to have to sign up for a swap or 2 - where are you finding them all? Love your granny blocks!!

Katy Cameron said... 8

Fab inbound and outbound packages, and love your grannies!

Sheila said... 9

That pouch looks perfect for you.

Susan said... 10

Another great pouch finds a happy home! Can mine be far away? (probably, mail to Australia can be very slow getting in past customs!! ) I love your pouch, and what wonderful scraps. I am sure your solids partner will be happy too!

Catherine said... 11

26 degrees - I have no idea what that feels like!!!
love your pouches: the one you received and the one you made

Run Quilt Knit Write said... 12

How can you have midsummer temperatures when it's only March? You lucky, lucky thing!

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 13

Life is certainly good!!
Congratulations, I hit 300 hundred today too!

Dianne Neale said... 14

Wow 300 people! Well done. And lucky you for getting that beautiful pouch.

Cherie said... 15

Love the pouches they are so cool. The one you got from Ali is awesome, getting scraps inside is always a great bonus.
Hopefully you wont get into trouble with yours.
Granny squares rock I have 600+ squares cut and ready to go =D

Jenelle said... 16

I love both of these pouches and of course am very jealous of you and the recipient of your pouch! ;) Your granny blocks are also looking good. Not that I need another WIP, but you are starting to convince me that I need to make some of these as well!

Leanne said... 17

You receive a wonderful pouch and your FTLOS package is beautiful. I too have to mail. But I am so jealous of the liberty scraps, and I too am feeling the pull of those granny squares.

Tamie said... 18

I love your gifts- both incoming and outgoing.

www.randomthoughtsdoordi.com said... 19

Look at you missy, being the lucky recipient of that lovely pouch and those fab scraps. Lucky you!
You've jumped on the granny band wagon. Aren't they fun and easy to make? I'm up to 12 completed so far!

Richard Healey said... 20

I love your granny's they look fantastic.


Anonymous said... 21

Oh! Love your little pouch. How big are the DP's?
I finished a Granny taht measures 2.5" across. It's adorable. Now I need to go full size!

leanne said... 22

great pouch and love the purple zip - and also love the pouch you made - have fun with your mum in the sun :)

Debbie said... 23

Great pouch you received - good for you! And I love your FTLOS2 projects - nice!!