Friday, 2 March 2012

My Modern Muse - Jennifer Ellison

Jennifer`s Cosmic Burst Mini
I am delighted to be kicking off the My Modern Muse series with Jennifer of Ellison Lane Quilts.  She has jumped on a magic carpet and traveled over to Marrakech for the day.  Welcome Jennifer!

I first came across Jennifer`s blog last summer and loved her chatty style and beautiful quilts.  I got to know her better when I did the Across the Seas QAL, which Jennifer co-hosted with SarahThe quilt I made remains my favourite quilt!

So after a walk round the souqs, Jennifer and I sat down over a glass of mint tea and she told me a little bit about what inspires her.

Annabella When you are offline, what things in life inspire you to create your beautiful quilts?
Jennifer I am often inspired by patterns I see in magazines such as tiles or colors of rooms.  I think you can find inspiration anywhere once you get used to looking for it. Before I became a quilter, I didn’t pay much attention to patterns in my everyday life. Now I see them everywhere and think, “Could I make that into a quilt?”

Tiles at the Bahia Palace in Marrakech
Annabella Is there a piece of music you love to listen to while in your sewing space?
Jennifer During the day I sew in snippits of time- a few minutes here, a few minutes there in between the kid’s needs, naps, and activites.  At night, I like to listen to pop music and put on my iPod and headphones and sew away.  What I listen to varies and is rather eclectic- whatever suits my mood at the moment!

Annabella Apart from your immediate family, who has been your greatest creative inspiration in your life and why?
Jennifer I think the other quilting bloggers have been the greatest influence on me as far as design and inspiration go. There is SO MUCH creativity out there and the online community has shared their talent so freely- it is so inspiring. I love seeing what others do and then putting my own twist on it.

Annabella Which blog do you find a constant source of inspiration?
Jennifer Faith of Fresh Lemons Quilts and Lindsey of LR Stitched always inspire me. I think their talents, color and fabric choices and designs are fabulous and I always love their style.

Annabella I love the quilts you brought with you Jennifer!  Can you tell me about them and what inspired you to make them?

Jennifer`s Dresden Plate Quilt
 Jennifer One of my most special quilts is the Dresden Plate quilt I made for my daughter. I wanted to make her a quilt she would love forever, one that had my favorite fabrics in it. I love how colorful it is.  It’s on her big girl bed, and I love that she’ll have it always.

Jennifer`s Improv. Log Cabin Quilt
I also love my improv log cabin quilt. It’s an all solids quilt, the blocks are improv pieced and wonky and I love it. It’s very modern, colorful and was one of my son’s most used quilts as a baby.

Annabella I happen to love quilting books, do you have one you can recommend me?
Jennifer I really don’t have a favorite as I own very few quilting books. I usually get them from the library but there are several on my wish list including Denyse Schmidt’s new book Modern Quilts, Traditional Inspiration and Katie Pederson and Jacquie Gering’s new book Quilting Modern: Techniques and Projects for Improvisational Quilts. I am also looking forward to Jennifer Paganelli’s new home book Happy Home.

Annabella Do you pin Jennifer? Where can people find you?
Jennifer Oh yes indeed- do I ever! I love Pinterest- it’s even my homepage on my computer! You can find me at

Annabella Is there a place you go which stirs your creative juices?
Jennifer I find I think best in quiet places. This is hard to come by in my house with a 3.5 year old and a 1 year old.  I like to get away to a coffee shop or a book store by myself and plan out my blogging ideas and quilting plans. It doesn’t happen often so I try to make the most of the time.  

Jennifer`s Improv.pieced quilt
Annabella Do you ever get the quilter`s equivalent of `writer`s block`?  What do you do to get through it?
Jennifer I had quite a bad case of “writer’s block” after the Christmas holidays. It took me quite some time to find my motivation and to get inspired. I allowed myself the break and then when I felt ready, I sewed a little bit every day. I started small and then I started something new I had always wanted to do- a larger ticker tape quilt. That felt manageable and was a good way for me to get back in the swing of things. Taking a break helped. Sometimes you have to turn off, take a break and step away.

Annabella If you could have 30 minutes with someone who really inspires you, who would it be?
Jennifer Denyse Schmidt or Anna Maria Horner. I am so inspired by both of them and would love to know how they do it all, balance it all and fuel their creativity.

Annabella What is your favorite ever line of fabric?
Jennifer It would have to be Loulouthi and the new Flea Market Fancy.  I can’t wait to see that in person! I love though that there is always new fabric coming out- always something new to work with and enjoy.

Annabella Lastly Jennifer, who is your favorite designer?
Jennifer Anna Maria Horner and Denyse Schmidt. I would say it is a tie. They are constant sources of inspiration for me.

Thank you so much Jennifer - you are an inspiration.  Do hop over and say hi to her and I`ll be checking out those books!


Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said... 1

Thank you so much for the chat and the feature Annabella! It was delightful! said... 2

This was a great interview and I am happy to say I have met Jennifer in person and she is lovely!

blandina said... 3

A good opening, Annabella.
I love Jennifer's work!

Indianna said... 4

Jennifer was so lucky to come and drink tea with you..... Maybe one day! I love her blog too - can't wait to see who you chat to next.

Lindsey R. :: LRstitched said... 5

I love Jennifer and I've had the chance to chat and shop fabric with her. She's even sweeter in person!

Thank you for the shout-out Jennifer, I'm truly honored. I find you equally inspiring!

Joanie's Trendy Quilts said... 6

I have the honor to be a part of the Charlotte Modern Quilt Guild that Jennifer upstarted. She is quite an inspiration, a ball of energy full of ideas and projects. She is a remarkable leader for the guild. I enjoyed reading your interview with Jennifer. She is just as chatty in the real as she is in her blog. I am loving see all these young moms, such as Jennifer taking an interest in quilting, especially with their stamp of modernness. So refreshing!

Cindy said... 7

Great interview with Jennifer. She is just as sweet in person.

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 8

I bet you two has a right giggle!
Lovely insight to a lovely lady and fantastic quilter xxx

Ellie said... 9

What a cool interview - I bet you both enjoyed your mint tea.
I'll pop over to Jennifer's blog.

Katy Cameron said... 10

I have no idea how I missed this yesterday, but great interview, thanks for sharing :o)

jeifner said... 11

I find myself doing the same, seeing patterns and thinking, "How can I make that into a quilt?". Especially all these things I saw in Egypt a few months ago.