Friday, 27 April 2012

The World`s Postal System In Harmony

This is my 298th post and I have over 300 followers.  Surely we need to have a giveaway soon!

The postman returned yesterday.

Fabric enabler Di, or Super-Di, who lives in sunny Southern California offered to pick up some Denyse Schmidt fabrics and send them to me.  I said yes please, she did and they arrived! Thanks Di!

If you don`t know Di`s blog you should.  Hop over and say hi.  There is eye candy of all kinds over there. I only wish she was able to come to the retreat in June.
There were also X and Plus blocks from Kat and Kris in Australia for the Care Circle of do.Good Stitches.  There are 11 people in the Care Circle. These blocks are contributions from 4 of us. So we are well on the way to making a big quilt or 2 smaller ones. This quilt will be given to the Siblings Together charity, which you can read about here. Here`s a group photo of the new blocks with mine and Cindy`s.  They look very happy together!

A few weeks ago, an incredibly generous woman called Jennifer (Bessiemae on flikr) put a whole load of fabric stacks on flikr, which she was prepared to post anywhere in the world to people who had the time to make quilts but perhaps not the stash.  I quickly snapped up this pink and orange bundle and it finally arrived.  Thank you so much Jennifer for your amazing generosity! It will hopefully be backed with some fabric which is winging its way from another incredibly generous person, Katy!

I am responsible for piecing another Katy`s quilt in the round robin bee, Stitch Tease and she sent me her starter blocks, which are just so cool. Katy is after blocks which replicate the vehicles in her chosen fabric in yellows, teals, oranges and grey.

Katy`s block for the Stitch Tease bee

Katy`s block for the Stitch Tease Bee
How I`m going to do that in batiks and Civil War fabrics, I`ll never know!
Katy lives in Glasgow where my mum`s side of the family come from.  Knowing my love of Highland Toffee but unable to find any, Katy sent me some tablet and Edinburgh rock.  Tastes of my childhood.  As I said in an email to Katy last night, having teeth is seriously overrated. I couldn`t include the sweeties for technical reasons.  Uh em.

My winnings from Kati (yes, another one) arrived - These gorgeous cards based on Kati`s designs.

...and I whipped up this little Curious Nature pochette for a friend.  Why is it that one end is okay and the other is squishy?  Is there a sewing law that I`m unaware of?


Thank you for all your suggestions for the Curious Nature stained quilt - I think I`m leaning towards a mustard colour for the binding at the moment...


Cindy Sharp said... 1

Oh what a day! Sounds like you are loving the postman too.

Dolores said... 2

Yes!!! to the mustard. :-)

Lots of lovely things to see today. My blocks will be in the post to you shortly. I hope they arrive quickly.


Debbie said... 3

love your use of curious nature - very nice. and love the x and + blocks! Really need to make more!

Elizabeth said... 4

Annabella --you really have found your niche in the quilting side of BLOGLAND.--it seems so welcoming and international and friendly.
This is such fun, but I love family stuff and Maroc stuff
as well.
love to all

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 5

Super mail!
I will email you later for some Katy-block measurements x

Leanne said... 6

That is a lot of mail moving about. In fact internet quilters must be responsible for some level of job security in the postal systems.

Canadian Abroad said... 7

Absolutely wonderful post! And those pinks and oranges for a Sibling quilt are gorgeous. I would say you have a bit of sewing to do now. said... 8

Those pink and orange fabrics are some of my favorites. Wow, they are lovely.
Thank you for your sweet words, you know I think you are special!
All your mail is super fun amd your + and x blocks quilt is going to be fabulous!

Sarah said... 9

What wonderful post!

Catherine said... 10

you certainly got some great post there!

Katy Cameron said... 11

Fab mail! And as for the sewing rule, I believe the one you are searching for is, in fact the law of sod ;o)

Archie The Wonder Dog said... 12

What lovely post you get!! And the pouch is fabulous - I'm with Katy, it's Sod and his law at work!

Isisjem said... 13

Great mail!!! I dunno why but my pouches always have a perfect end and a squishy end. If I unpick and redo it I either redo it back how it was or reverse which end is squishy and which is perfect. Sods flaming law! ;-)

Dianne Neale said... 14

Can't wait to see what everyone does for Katy.

Cherie said... 15

That's some great mail to receive! =D

Ellie said... 16

You have got some lovely fabric there.
Tablet and Edinburgh Rock - two of my most favourite sweets. Enjoy!!! :)

Susan said... 17

All that arrived on the same day??!! Wow-must have felt like Christmas! Technical difficulties with the Edinburgh Rock hey? hee hee!

Katherine said... 18

Wow, that's the kind of mail that would have me celebrating! LOL

Those pinks and oranges will make a gorgeous quilt - love hearing about all the kind, generous hands this fabric is passing through on its way to becoming a quilt for such a worthy charity. Bravo!

Kris said... 19

Hooray! They are there! What a great day.

Kelly said... 20

Now that's what I call post, gorgeous fabrics and not a bill in sight ;-)