Thursday, 16 February 2012

It`s Beginning to Feel a Bit Like...


More fun post has arrived chez nous.  You`ll remember the terrible saga that was my Christmas tablerunner from the swap going missing. Well it hasn`t turned up sadly but I did find out who made it for me and that was the lovely Susan all the way away in Oz.  Susan made this amazing tablerunner for me.  Isn`t it stunning? Thank you so much Susan and being the eternal optimist I have a feeling it may one day turn up!

Well a few weeks ago, I was contacted via flikr by swap buddy, sweet Maggie in Salt Lake City enquiring as to whether my `runner had ever appeared.  When I said no, she said she was popping something in the post to me and it arrived!

A very cute tree mug rug, which Zaki has already claimed as his own.  Thank you Maggie - it means so much that someone who I have never met could think to do that. This won`t be put away for Christmas but will join my growing pile of mug rugs!

I`m still waiting on my linen so that I can get on with my pouch for the Mouthy Stitches` swap.  I`m not panicking yet as I know I can make it fairly quickly once it arrives. It is giving me time to get on with the mini quilt for the For the Love of Solids swap.  The top is finished. It will be 20 inches finished.

For the back, there will be one biggish wonky block against a white background. It should be completed over the weekend.

I shall leave you with a funny story.  I have to pick Zaki up from pre-school at 11.30 and the two and a half hours while he`s away are a whirlwind.  I`m not late to pick him up but I cut it fine.  This morning I collected him from the gate and I thought the gardian was looking at me strangely.  Zaki was his usual smiley self and it was only in the car that he asked why I had material hanging in my hair. I pulled from the top of my head a long strand of half inch thick Kona teal. Oh where have my groomed days disappeared to?

Don`t forget to check in tomorrow.  It`s my turn in Jennifer`s Modern Mini Challenge and I need your loving support!


Susan said... 1

Lucky girl- a pretty new Christmas mug rug! Hopefully your table runner will turn up one day! (no sign of it here! Boo hoo!) I love the wonky log cabin in solids too! I'll be back to give my support tomorrow.

Toni said... 2

Great story of the fabric in your hair! Think they wonder about Zaki's mum? Your mini is looking beautiful! Love that splash of yellow thrown in there. And hooray for unexpected gifts!

Ellie said... 3

How nice to get a special surprise in the post - there are some lovely people out there. Maybe one day your table runner will turn up.Fingers crossed!!
I really like your mini quilt - I think the colours look lovely.
I've heard of the girl with flowers in her hair but not the girl with fabric in her hair - you could start a new trend lol.

Canadian Abroad said... 4

Maggie is a sweetheart! Your solids mini is fab and my grooming went out the window just about exactly the same time children entered my life!!

Cindy said... 5

Woo hoo! Christmas in your house :) That is so cool.
Your FTLOS top is spectacular. Look at how fab it turned out! Love it.

Strawberry Patch said... 6

Maggie is lovely! How sweet of her

Anonymous said... 7

love your wonky log cabin quilt top, the solids are fab. Makes me want to experiment with them!

Cherie said... 8

Wow that is odd. I wonder if the mailing company has kept it for themselves.
Love the quilt it looks really effective when the cabins are put together.

Also I'm holding a swap on my blog. If you're interested feel free to check it out =D"

Elizabeth said... 9

Love the quilt --but love the color of the wall even more!

Katy Cameron said... 10

Fun wee Christmas tree, and loving how that mini has gone. Grooming? I stopped brushing my hair about 5 years ago... no-one noticed the difference lol

Debbie said... 11

haha. cute! Love your project!

Catherine said... 12

what a lovely gift! and very thoughtful. hope your table runner does turn up, its so lovely

Archie The Wonder Dog said... 13

Love the MR - how kind of Maggie! Love the solids quilt and the 'fabric in hair' story!

TexWisGirl said... 14

wow! you have some sewing talents! :)

thanks for reading and agreeing on the anti-word verification thing! really appreciate it! said... 15

He sweet to get a christmas gift in February!
I love the colors and the way your wonky log cabins are coming together in your mini.