Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Work in Progress Wednesday - The Quilting Equivalent of Burning Your Bra

I feel liberated.  I feel free.  I`ve thrown my ruler away and am free of all shackles.

For the Love of Solids Mini Quilt Work in Progress

I`m in the zone.  I`m going with the flow. 5 blocks down and another 4 to go. 

Linking up for the first time in ages with Lee at Freshly Pieced .  Thanks as ever to Lee for hosting this link up. Head on over there to see what other people are making.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Canadian Abroad said... 1

Yea! You did it!!!

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 2


Toni said... 3

Looking good! Excellent title as well!

dutchcomfort said... 4

Love your post title and blocks!!

Unknown said... 5

They look awesome missus! Girl power :-)

Unknown said... 6

P.s. my great gran was a suffragette. Cool huh?

Katy Cameron said... 7

Yay for freedom! (although way to try and blow out the work content appropriate filter ;o) )

Dianne Neale said... 8

Wooo! No straight lines. That's SCARY!

Leanne said... 9

Those look like great fun.

Lynette said... 10

**love** the freestyle log cabins!

Kelly said... 11

Very cool!

Pat Merkle said... 12

I work in Seneca Falls, NY, the home of the women's suffrage movement (where Elizabeth Cady Stanton met Susan B. Anthony, introduced by Amelia Bloomer). So I love your title. I also LOVE your blocks. You go girl!!!

Helen in Switzerland said... 13

It's looking good - is this the wild side coming out??

Cindy said... 14

I like it a whole lot! said... 15

I really, really like this!

linda said... 16

it looks sooo lovely !!!

Sarah said... 17

Yay! Pleased for you :-)

Tamie said... 18

I love what you have done.

Archie The Wonder Dog said... 19

Yeah!!! They look great!

Catherine said... 20

wow, these blocks look fantastic: well done

Jenelle said... 21

Ha! This made me smile. :) Looks great!

Annaliese said... 22

YAY!! keep going!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said... 23

LOL...Cute it. love your blocks too

Shocking Hocking said... 24

love this - those sour citrus colours with the grey are fab - i'm just playing with the exact same colours!

Marsha Cooper said... 25

I like the "wonkiness" of the blocks--looks like a mosaic window.

Rebecca Lynne said... 26

A this ROCKS! Whew hew! You go girl...

Anonymous said... 27

Love these log cabins, the colors are lovely!

Olivia said... 28

wow that is so...i've never heard of anyone no using a ruler...mind blown

Olivia said... 29

let me add to that last comment, my mind is blown in an awesome way, your blocks look great