Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Reports of Sewing in Marrakech

I know.  It`s incredible.  I sewed today...and sewed some more and have made some progress in my Across the Sea QAL quilt top.

My blocks so far...looking very rough and ready...threads need to be cut and they also need to be squared up.  I am not looking forward to that part. I don`t have a square ruler yet so I`ll be getting the masking tape out again.  It`s already on the sewing machine so that I can do a scant quarter inch seam.  Yes, I know.  I need a new machine and when I`m next in England I`m going to buy one! Any recommendations for a mid-range machine gratefully received.

Had I been doing the baby quilt I would almost have caught up...but I`m not.  I`m doing the lap quilt so that`s another eight blocks then. As I`m a bit of a slow coach, that`s about another 3 hours.  Then I have to square up the blocks, arrange them in a lovely way, sew them together and then make the scrappy border, the white outer border, sew them to the quilt top and I`ll have caught up.  Phew. It`s been like a day at the office but a good day.  Of course, thinking aloud, I could just do the baby quilt...no...piecing is probably my favourite step in the whole process. I like piecing.

Linking up with Fabric Tuesday.


Catherine said... 1

well done for catching up! You are well ahead of me, so you are not the last one by any means! And I am also doing the bigger quilt, wishing I was doing the smaller one!! Love your colours

Helen in Switzerland said... 2

It's going to be lovely! I really like the fabrics you're using. Does the fact you're sewing mean it's cooled down a bit?

Ellie said... 3

I like the look of your new quilt to be. It looks like an awful lot of work.
We are in the middle of bathroom redo but when it is finished, and I've got more room in the house, I've promised myself I'm going to have a go at making a quilt.
Good luck with your quilt.

dutchcomfort said... 4

Piecing the quilt blocks is the part I also like the best! Your blocks look gorgeous!

Krista Schneider said... 5

it's looking really good! I haven't even assembled my blocks yet. the sections of blocks are done, but I should really get started doing the rest. I'm doing 30 blocks, ugh, it will take forever!

Yiota said... 6

all these little squares! you are one very patient lady! i started a simple patchwork quilt ages ago and have only sewn two rows.
your blocks look fab!

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 7

Its looking lovely already - I can't wait to get on to the binding!!

PS. I've got a Janome QXL605 with the quilting kit and love it xx

Prof. S (the enchanted bobbin) said... 8

Lovely!!! Oooo, a new machine...how fun. I have a Janome 7700 which I adore, and which I bought when they were first promoting that machine last year (so I got a very good price on it, but it was still quite a luxury item for me). At this point you could probably get a great price on a Janome 6500 or 6600, and I have heard great things about both of those machines. But for the extra throat space, the 7700 is wonderful!

Katy Cameron said... 9

Och, you're not that far behind. I've got to the border bit, but I'm going to hit a delay now till next week when I can get back to Ikea for more backing fabric (which will teach me to read the instructions...)

Canadian Abroad said... 10

Your blocks look brilliant. Squaring up. Funny you should say that. Just realised that I forgot to do that. Blocks went together fine though. Phew! So glad you have been able to get back to your sewing. And how quickly you got on with things!

Heidi said... 11

Wow! That is really gorgeous-it must take a ton of time to create that piece of art!

Amanda said... 12

Oh, I love it!!! The lap quilt will be sooooo worth the extra time and effort.

blandina said... 13

It will be beautiful, lovely fabrics.

Laura said... 14

Lovely quilt! :)